All the world's a reality TV.
All men n women merely "khatron k khiladi".
Seemingly doing what the heart desires,
Seemingly going with the flow,
Struggling and sinking in mire though.
Knowing that's not what He desires,
Knowing that's against the flow,
Neglecting n denying the gift of living H2O.
Satan the entertainer, tempter n accuser,
Slyly attacks the players sans shame,
Seducing 'em to grumble n crumble for fame.
God the creator, sustainer n redeemer,
Gladly calls the players by name,
Guiding 'em to realize n rise for reclaim.
Our iotic-myopic mind n vision can't fathom,
O! who can serve both God n Mammon boy?
Our daring act sows chaos n pseudo-joy.
His endless-selfless love echo in the Kingdom,
Hallelujah! Who else can vanquish evil's ploy?
His loving pact sows peace n bonafide joy.
Fire or life, there is certainty in eternity,
Fix your gaze on Him to fix your fate,
Fervor-love fearful-awe can, our life reinstate.
Lest He asks- What 've I done to burden you?
Lest He says- You lawless, I never knew you.,
Leaving us on the other side of the Gate,
Let's level up n choose a true Skipper mate!
PS: Am no Shakespeare or trying to be one. Love his creativity though.
Am no Prophet or trying to be one. Rever HIM and HIS creation more!