Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's ur flavor???

For the past few days, I have been thinking over a lot about my past… present… future… U know the stuff that crops up in your mind and agitates you as if you have nothing else to think about…… I realized an interesting analogy … it goes something like this…

From the smallest of things to the most critical decisions affecting our very existence; every time we run our grey cells on a treadmill, the question always arises…. “To Be or Not To Be”…. “X or Y”… I always followed what I like to call… “The Law of Elimination”. The law states that… “An option X is THE option if and only if option Y is eliminated”. Pretty simple isn’t it??? Now consider this….
All through my life… for every other occasion… I am asked to go get the “Best Cake” available. I would then go to the shop… sometimes excited… sometimes half heartedly… sometimes just for the sake. Whatever is the case… I would definitely go. After reaching the shop… I would browse through the various delectable cakes showcased in front of me… cakes of different flavors… cakes of different sizes and shapes. I would use my Law of Elimination and choose the “Best Cake” available… of course affordable too… If I had to choose a cake between vanilla, pistachio and blue berry… I would choose blue berry because I don’t like vanilla and pistachio in my so called “Best Cake”.

Now the question arises… was it my “Best Cake” ??? I now realize… No it wasn’t… I am not fond of blue berry…. I am fond of the chocolate truffle. … If chocolate truffle wasn’t available… I could have asked the Mongini’s guy to bake me one…. But I did not… I convinced myself… That the blue berry cake was indeed the “best cake”.

My conclusion…??? The Law of Elimination will hold true if and only if there are just two roads to choose from and the only option you have is to travel ahead and not go back from where you started. We OUGHT to know which flavor of cake we like…. Order the same…

PS: Oh yeah… by the way… I was actually referring to my journey towards a successful career… the flavors being analogous to the various options that were “made available” to me….. Science Vs Maths… MBBS vs Biotech… MS vs MBA….. When actually my flavor was something off the menu…..

Friday, January 14, 2011


There I was standing on the highest rock,
the rock, that stood like cherry on top.
I bent a little forward to assess the impact,
the impact, that would instantly end my entire act.
Memories of the past flashed before my eyes,
my eyes could now see all the truth n lies.

Crawling on my fours I raced my chuk-chuk train;
The train sure won and made my knees pain.
Clapping with glee I hugged my little smiling red boy
Oh Boy! How did Daddy know I wanted the same toy?
For me the School was simply a place to have fun;
Only fun and incomplete Notes made Mummy run.

As I grew up, my entire world belonged to my friend(s)
The friends without whom I thought the world would end
Birthdays came and went, and before I knew I turned 18
This 18 -a magic figure with spl. Powers was quite mean
It seemed like I plunged into some cobweb and got stuck
Oh! Stuck I was for transition from a girl to a woman is no luck

Years hence, I saw him in the eye and wanted to ask why?
Why does he often find joy in making me cry?
I loved him like I never loved anyone before
And before I knew he left my heart broken n sore
I wept and wept and wept for we were broken up
Oh! Heart broken I was and desperate for something to cheer me up

There I was standing on the highest rock
The rock that stood like cherry on top
My eyes were now filled with pain n tears of blood
The blood which in next few seconds look like a flood
I closed my eyes and took a deep-deep breath slow
The breath that certainly would be my last one so

Just then I felt something gushed against my body
My body felt a jolt, I opened my eyes n there was nobody
I again bent a little forward to assess the impact
The impact that would instantly end my entire act
I realized if I execute what I was gonna attempt
The attempt will no longer be just an attempt

The train won ‘coz it had wheels and I just crawled
I crawled, I did not try to walk or run and just brawled
Daddy knew it all ‘coz he did know what I wanted
I wanted it badly and I got what I wanted
Mummy would run ‘coz she did care my future
My future thus should credit her for the nurture

I sure made new friends but I also lost few
Few I lost, their feelings for me I didn’t knew
The transition from a girl to a woman was not an easy labour 
Labour it was ‘coz solids have to melt first to become free vapour
My love left me shaken with silence at his opportune
Opportune its is for him 'coz  his life I began to importune

My heart sure sank a little n a chill went up my spine
The spine now erect, body mind n soul now fine
Having learnt my lessons the hard way and growing stronger
The stronger I believed that I gotta live a little longer
To correct my flaws and reciprocate love to my family n friends
Friends without whom I thought this world would end

There I was standing on the highest rock
The rock that stood like cherry on top
I breathed the air one more time to fill my lungs full
Full with inspiration I turned around n walked back home cool..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Re- christened!!

“The ONLY thing constant is change” I heard it for the millionth time … C’mon how oxymoronous and yet undeniably true can it get!! We all LIKE CHANGE… be it the food we eat…the clothes we wear or the habitat we live in… (That’s talking only of the basics!)...yet we all OPPOSE CHANGE if there is even 0.00001% negative variability and our heart and mind are not at their best in accepting THE Change…

Nevertheless, for quite some time… I felt the urge to change my blog’s title… including the URL, just to re-emphasize what I said @ the start of my blogging era… “Blogs are for free expression and not for best impression”. And I suppose “Confetti of Expressionz-Replacing the “im” of impression with “ex” ” is fully capable of doing the honors… Making a statement that is always technically, morally, socially correct ...and all other “allys” that u can think of… is not the game I play. The posts have and will always reflect what’s on mind, heart and soul at a given particular point of time for a given particular matter…

Last year, I received mixed comments from my readers that… its sort of rebellious type…it kinda reflects negative attitude…some posts are quite thought provoking… some posts are bang on, straight on the face etc etc… First of all, I thank all my readers for their honest feedback… And I request all my readers to keep me updated with feedbacks about my posts and view points with the same honesty… so that, we all can have a healthy discussion and learn from each other… bring positive CHANGE in our lives and be a better human being altogether… oh btw..A belated but a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all… J Hope this year brings to you a lot more cheer and happiness than ever before J
Sich vorsehen!